Friday, May 10, 2013


Arrived in Mwanza, Tanzania on 15 April 2013!

  • I am currently enrolled in Kiswahili language school.
  • Plan to begin teaching at Shaloom Preschool in July.
  • We have 21 eager students.
  • The class is currently being taught by Rehema, the teacher's assistant, but a very capable teacher. She is a local woman and speaks the language well.

On the Home front

  • My home away from home is very comfortable, and I share it with the chameleons!
  • I have electricity, running water and a hot shower; which is a lot more than most of my neighbors!
  • Right now we're near the end of the rainy season so it rains most every day, mostly during the night.
  • The temperatures have been in the lower to upper 80's each day and quite humid. Looking forward to drier weather.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Joanne! Hopefully it gets better as I learn my way around. I hope all is well there! Please say "hi" to all!

  2. That is so cool! I saw one area when we were skyping but now i see MUCH MORE! I love you! I am very fascinated with the kids! i would love to hear more! Do you know more of the language now? Happy early Mother's Day! Your patio is awesome! Did someone make that? Its very neat! Thank you very much for setting up this blog I would love you to post more! Thanks,Your Granddaughter, Alexis, I miss you :)

  3. Hi Alexis,
    Thanks for your comment on the blog! I am learning the language but it's going slow. There is so much to learn and I'm not so young anymore! But with God's help, I'll do it!
    I'm not sure who built the patio in front of the house. The organization I belong to bought the property from some local people so I guess they must have built it. The poles are just 2" pipe and the roof is made of sheet metal, covered with thatch. The floor has a cement base full of red dirt. There is a family a very large bumble bees living up inside the roof but they don't ever bother me. It seems like all of the bugs here are bigger! Today I was cleaning in the kitchen and found a huge hairy spider! The guard, Baba Kevy, was helping move some soda bottles so he killed it and took it outside for me. I don't know if it was a tarantula, but it might have been. I just don't like big spiders very much! I will keep up with the blog as often as possible. It will be nice when I finally get back to teaching the kids at the preschool. I hope you get the letter I sent you pretty soon. There are a lot of pictures in there, too. I love you and miss you very much! Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes! I hope to Skype with you on Mother's Day.
    Love, Noni

  4. Hi Mom! Happy Mothers Day! Your place does look beautiful! I'm glad your sharing all of this. Can't wait to see more! I love you!


    Ken Allen

  5. Thanks so much Ken/Allen! I was able to chat with Jeanette, Amanda and Alexis today on Skype. It was really good to talk with them and see them! I'm glad I figured out how to set up a blog. I'll try to keep it updated with interesting things. I hope all is well with you and Aimee. Look for a letter and pictures soon in the mail. I sent them on Friday, 5/10, but mail from here takes about 2 weeks. I love you and look forward to hearing from you again. Give my love to Aimee.
